
Compositions for Film


Dearest Unknown,

I’m thankful that you found me. It’s a difficult thing to see and hear things — difficult to imagine things that only exist in your own head. Of course it’s not the imagining that’s difficult, but the challenge that comes with bringing those ideas out of your head and into the open. I know inside that head of yours there’s no shortage of thrilling ideas rattling around, but if you're anything like me, the shortage is in the satisfaction of seeing those ideas actually take shape, to bloom.

Rarely turning out the way we pictured them, it can be devastating to see our ideas not become everything we believed they could be. Will I ever be able to express this thought? Will that idea ever come across? Why can’t my vision live in the open as it does inside my head? These are my doubts and perhaps, I’m not alone.

Some come closer than others, but these songs are my attempts to realize the things that I hear in my head. I’d love to see and hear the things that you find in yours.

Sincerely yours,
